Monday, January 30, 2012

Alive and Buzzing

It has sure been a weird winter here. It has been warm and we have not had any real snow. But we have also had some cold snaps. Some weeds are blooming. We had dandelions blooming pretty much all December and early January. Weird.

Now is the time to begin building up for spring nectar flow. I was out this last weekend and while there weren't any bees out flying (I really thought there would since it was around 50 degrees) you could hear them buzzing away in the hive. It is still plenty heavy so that isn't a concern. Hopefully the queen has started laying, if she ever stopped. I put some 1:1 sugar syrup on to entice her to start laying more thinking that there is a nectar flow now so she better start building up the population. Hopefully when April rolls around there is a large population to bring in a bunch of honey!