That's an inch and half of Styrofoam! A quick coat of black paint and we are ready to melt! I get a tall cup like a soft drink cup from a fast food restaurant and add about an inch or two of water in the bottom. Fold a paper towel into a cone and secure it to the top of the cup with a rubber band. Ball up the wax some so it takes up less room then place the balls of wax into the paper towel. Bring your box out into the sun and point it directly at the sun to reduce the amount of shadows caused by the sides of the box. When you have procrastinated like I have and it is later in the year with the sun lower in the sky you should elevate one end of the box to catch more sun. When it gets hot enough to melt, the wax will drip through the paper towel leaving behind all the pollen, bee parts, and other gunk and you will be left with something like this:
The color will be lighter or darker depending on the starting wax; sometimes it is almost white to a buttery yellow and sometimes almost a sunflower yellow. Rinse the wax off because some honey may have been left in the original wax that will drip through the paper towel. Now you are ready to use your wax in your next project.