Friday, December 24, 2010

Natural Sculptures and Happy Holidays

I'm really glad I decided to wrap the hives this year. We had a nice, warm November but December has been brutal! It has been cold and windy and just plain nasty weather so I hope the wrap has given the girls a better chance of making it through the winter. The end of this week we might actually get warm enough to take a quick look and see how they are doing.

Winter certainly isn't my favorite time of year but I do like going to the mountain when it is at least 40-45 and calm. Working keeps me warm and this time of year has a beauty all its own. It may not be the most colorful time of year but to me it is beautiful because it is peaceful and silent. Sometimes nature give you a little surprise and I wanted to share the surprise from this day with you. These little ice crystals form when the conditions are just right; the ground has to be wet enough but not too wet, the temps have to be above freezing during the day but below freezing at night, there has to be ground that is clear of vegetation, and the soil has to be dense enough to force the crystals upwards. And then you have to get outside early enough to actually see the show before it melts. When all these things happen this is what you get and these pictures are my Christmas present to you, my readers. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

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