Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fall Respite

High 60s, not humid, bright and sunny, with just a slight breeze.

After a week of cold, rainy days that didn't get out of the 40s, the weather finally broke! This gave me another chance to get a little more sugar syrup in the hives. A bit more food couldn't hurt to help make it through the winter. There are still a few flowers blooming; the most abundant being a small white flower. As the bees are coming and going I could still see they are bringing in pollen, but not nearly as much as a few weeks ago. I didn't want to do much to them again since it has been so cold and wet lately, so I just popped off the telescoping cover, refilled the baggie with sugar syrup and closed it up. I don't like to use smoke if I don't feel I need to and since it was such a quick visit I didn't bother with smoke or even gloves.

Here are a couple of images from a few weeks ago. The first is one of the queens. She is right in the middle of the frame below with the spot of paint on her. Notice how much bigger she is than the worker bees around her.

And here is a closeup of one of my girls.

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